Peer Review Process
All submitted papers are subject to a strict peer-review process. The practice of peer review is to ensure that high-quality scientific material is published, therefore the peer review is one of the most objective processes of our Journal. Our referees play a vital role in maintaining the high standards of our Journal.
The peer-review process at the Journal of Reproduction and Infertility includes the
following steps:
Authors submit an article
The Chief editor verifies the relevance of the article to the journal's policy for publishing such papers
The chief editor chooses peer-reviewers, who are authorities in the selected fields (usually four and a biostatistician). The Procedure of review is double-blinded.
To help decide on the merits of the paper and reach a common conclusion on the paper's suitability for publication, the editor-in-chief usually asks for an editorial board gathering to study the peer reviewer's comments.
The authors may be asked to respond to the questions raised by reviewers if the paper is accepted for publication or a rejection letter is sent if not accepted.
The author/s are to respond in due time and clarify ambiguities if any.
Upon receiving the resubmitted paper, the reviewers (usually two out of three and the biostatistician) check for the author/s feedback on their comments.
Upon the last round of review and their approval, the paper is revised by editors and it is put in the queue for publication.